Peanut's Eye Appointment

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well... Let's see if I can sum this up shortly...

Arrived to her appointment ON TIME. Finally got called back more than 45 minutes later. Now this was scheduled as a follow up. But the last follow up was more than 2 hours long. This time we were in and out in 30 minutes.

But in that 30 minutes the doctor informed me that Peanut needed surgery. I was shocked, stunned, sick to my stomach. I didn't know what to do other than nod and listen to the doctor explain the risks of the surgery.

I feel that it's a bit rushed. I question it. I am getting a second opinion.

I WANT and NEED to do what's best for her, but I'm not totally sure that surgery is the best option RIGHT NOW. As soon as I am CERTAIN that surgery is, then we'll go there.

My issue is that this is the ONLY set of eyes she'll ever get. Eyes are not the same as other body parts. A scar isn't just a mark that looks different. It affects her SIGHT. And therefore her quality of life.

I'm praying to God to give my the wisdom and strength to make the right choices for Miss Peanut.


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