B90, Monday Morning Check-in, Day 18

>> Monday, January 18, 2010

Confession: I haven't done my reading since day 12. :(

Life has seemed insane this week, but mostly I've just gotten lazy. I keep saying I'm going to catch up, but I'm not doing it. I need to really re commit myself to it.

One of the biggest problems I'm finding is that I can't seem to get to it until later in the day. I WANT to do it first thing in the morning, but the mornings are just so busy. I also find it harder to absorb what I am reading when the kids are running around and interrupting me. I can read a "fun" book, but I find the Bible to be a definite challenge. Or maybe it's just that I truly WANT to understand it all, so I want to be able to concentrate. I typically take a book with me to work, I've got a unique ability to read in between customers when I am at one of my positions. But it's the same idea as having the kids around, I do not like being interrupted. Also, BFF expressed some concerns about what people will think about me, and what kind of image it presents of me if I have my Bible at work all the time. I see her point. I HOPE I am presenting a good Christian image to my co-workers and customers, but if I somehow fail at that, will the ongoing presence of my Bible for the next 2 1/2 months hamper me. Will it make my failures look even worse? So I think I will leave my Bible at home for the most part. Maybe a few times I will take it, but for the most part I will leave it.

My plan for now to catch up is to read 2 days worth in one day. So...

Monday, January 18: Day 13 & Day 14
Tuesday, January 19: Day 15 & Day 16
Wednesday, January 20: Day 17 & Day 18
Thursday, January 21: Day 19 & Day 20
Friday, January 22: Day 21 & Day 22

So, it'll basically take me all week to catch up, but it's do-able. :) I hope it works. If not, I will NOT get too upset at myself. My end goal is to read the Bible.


Alice January 18, 2010 at 8:54 AM  

Praying for you to be able to catch up! You can do it!

Shaunta' January 18, 2010 at 9:40 AM  

I have twins too! Anyway, that's not what I'm supposed to be writing about.
Hang in there. By God's grace you can do this. Rely on Him. I've found that I MUST do the reading in the morning b/c if I don't there are just way too many distractions in the day. Also, I have committed to not turning on the TV or surfing the internet until I have finished the reading. That has helped me most! On Saturday, I broke my commitment and surfed the internet and of course I didn't finish my reading that day. I know my weaknesses. Perhaps you should pick a specific time to read and try your best to stick to it.
Praying for you.

Nique January 18, 2010 at 9:13 PM  

Thanks to you both. It's been rough for me. Tonight I did get both days 13 and 14 read!! I am hoping to get up a little earlier than usual tomorrow morning and at least get a head start on days 15 and 16. :) I will keep you posted.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads January 19, 2010 at 12:52 AM  

Your schedule is basically how I got caught up. I'm not a morning person, so reading in the morning does not work for me. I read in the evening after everyone else is asleep. I too like the peace of reading by myself.

On a side note, don't be afraid of having your Bible with you. We all fail. As long as we own up to our mistakes and move forward, it will be okay.

May Gog bless you as you read His Word this week.

Nique January 19, 2010 at 10:52 AM  

Great news!!! It's only 1 PM, I have to get ready for work, but my Day 15 and Day 16 readings are DONE!!

Nique January 20, 2010 at 9:04 PM  

Just sitting down to read, been a long, busy day unfortunately. Not sure how far I'll get before I have to call it a night but I will do what I can :)

Nique January 23, 2010 at 8:21 AM  

Just wanted to put in a quick update for everyone. As of last night I'd finished Day 21. I have a head cold and am staying home from church today and will be reading Day 22 and 23 while I am at home sniffling and sneezing. :) Thanks for all the prayers :)

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