B90, Monday Morning Check-in, Day 32

>> Monday, February 1, 2010

Yeah, okay, I am behind, AGAIN. *sigh*

I'm actually typing this Sunday night, as a scheduled post. I am getting ready to sit down and watch the pro-bowl with my Bible in hand. I'm not that interested in the pro-bowl this year. Going into it I am reading Day 27 and SHOULD be doing or done with Day 31. SEVERAL days behind. I'm hoping to be able to post a better update after the game.

***EDIT*** As of bedtime I was done with Day 28 and moving onto Day 29. So in the morning I will have Day's 29, 30, 31, and 32 to do. I will just plow through whatever I can before leaving for work. ***END EDIT***
***morning edit*** I've finished Day 29 now. ***end edit***

My excuses for being behind:

Monday: Bug's MRI had me at Children's Hospital all day, I did get some reading accomplished but not enough. **Morning edit** It's 10:40 am and I just got off the phone with Bug's neurologist. Her MRI was NOT clear like we'd hoped. I'm shaking and I know I'm in shock. I can't explain it all right now, but he is referring us to the surgical team. It's not a sure thing that she will NEED or HAVE surgery, this is a precaution so they have seen her and we have met them just in case. Can you please all add this to your prayer lists?? Thanks ***end edit***
Tuesday: Peanut had an eye appointment and I was told she needed surgery, it has put me into a tailspin and I'm still recovering from it.
Wednesday: work from 10-4, splitting headache ensued, just not able to concentrate.
Thursday: out of the house very early, did some reading in the car while waiting on BFF to finish her test, but the was busy busy then at work.
Friday: Work.
Sabbath: Managed to actually get a day and a half's worth of reading done, have a blog to post about it, but haven't yet. :) that's about it.
Today: grocery shopping and much needed time relaxing. LOL

Peanut's eye situation really has my wheels spinning and I could use some extra prayers for God's guidance and wisdom on that. Here's the two posts that sum up the bulk of what's been going on: Peanut's Eye Appointment and More thoughts on Peanut's Eye's. But here's a really quick summary:

One of my twin daughter's "Peanut" has a wandering eye, it outwardly turns SOMETIMES. I asked to have her seen for it back in September after having NUMEROUS people point it out for about 18 months. She was given a poor prognosis but the doctor felt glasses would help. So we put her in glasses and saw her again in December. In December the doctor felt she'd degraded and wanted us to patch Peanut's "better" eye and come back in a month. We had to push off the appointment for an extra 2 weeks because Peanut was sick, so it was 6 weeks between appointments. Both the first 2 appointments were lengthy and I felt the doctor had given us a fair evaluation. THIS appointment however was VERY rushed and she pronounced with very little examination of Peanut that Peanut had degraded more and needed Surgery. She explained the risks, never ASKED if I was okay with this or needed to think about it or talk to anyone about it. And then practically PUSHED me out the door. I told her that Peanut HAD to see her Pulmonologist before ANYTHING could happen, Peanut has Reactive Airway Disease, and putting her out for surgery is RISKY to say the least. And she indicated that this was no problem, it would take a few weeks for her surgical assistant to be in touch anyway. Her assistant called less than 24 hours later.

I don't feel right about this. I just don't. The two posts listed above will give pretty good details about what happened, is happening, etc.

I know this is a little off the topic, but I really do need the prayers for this situation. Thank you so much ladies!!!! :)


Amy@ MomsToolbox February 1, 2010 at 5:57 PM  

Oh my goodness! What a week you've been having!
I just stopped and prayed for you, your little ones and their doctors.
Hang in there and call out out to the one true God for comfort, healing and whatever you else you feel you need. He's got you, and them, in the palm of his hand.

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