To my Best Friend:

>> Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sometimes, I think I don't tell you Thank You often enough. You welcomed me into your life, and then into your home, to stay. You love my daughters as if they were your own. Whenever the "bad" news has arrived, you've ALWAYS been my first phone call (or text message).

When I called you at 1:30 in the morning, you answered the phone and calmed me from hysterical and crying to just crying. You never said a word about what time it was, or what you needed to do in the morning. You DID ask me if I would be getting enough sleep before I hit the road the next day. You knew before I said it that I was going to make the drive.

In October, you knew, before I ever walked out the door, what the doctor was going to say. You told me later, it hurt you to let me leave without you, but someone had to stay here. You held me while I cried, and then helped me get to work in one piece. And then you helped me educate myself, fast. You helped me make our new reality not feel so frightening.

Two weeks ago, you were as confused and upset as I was, and you encouraged me to get more information, NOT to feel pressured by the letters coming AFTER the person's name. Before I long I knew what to do next, I knew how best to advocate for what needed to be done.

Last week, when I texted you the news, you didn't respond with upset, you responded with a hug and a name to contact for support and advice. And again, you helped me learn what I needed to and turn this even NEWER reality into something I understood, and getting the help needed.

You are ALWAYS there. I know God put you in my life for a reason. He knew what was to come, and He knew that you were the right person to help me.

THANK YOU BFF!! You are the best and I really appreciate you being there for me. I know the girls love you SO much too. You really are the best friend I could ask for. :)


Anonymous February 7, 2010 at 12:02 PM  

SNIFF SNIFF you make me cry... I do love you and those girls. Good or bad DH and I are here for you, the girls and even their dad. We love you all.

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