Falling behind again

>> Saturday, February 6, 2010

Seems to be the story of my life. Eventually I'll catch up with all my reading, but as crazy as my life has been with the girls health issues and work, I've just about found it impossible to get enough reading done this week. I will sit down and do some Bible reading later, try to get at least ONE day's worth done. And then I'll probably take a bath to relax my poor body which has been really really hurting. BFF picked me up last night and bear hugged me and you should have heard the snaps running up my spine!! She then had me lay down and popped me a ton more. I felt WAY better after that. Just all the stress of the last week built up in my spine.

I am about half way through 1984 now, and I am LOVING it. This is a more "English" version (versus an Americanized version). I love it. It is so much more interesting as an adult who understands the themes better than it was as a young teenager.

Well, I hope you all had a great day. I'm actually going to finally get dressed and go out for a few necessities, bread, milk, etc. :)


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