Bug's MRI results...

>> Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, yesterday Bug's neurologist called with the results of her MRI.

It was NOT clean and clear as expected. :( Bug does NOT have any tumors (since everyone asks this right away). She does have a Chiari Malformation.

What is a Chiari you may ask? It's where the cerebellum in her brain has formed improperly and is protruding downward toward the opening in her skull by her spinal column. This website at Children's Hospital Boston gives some pretty good information about Chiari but no pictures. This site Conquer Chiari has a GREAT visual of a NORMAL cerebellum and a Chiari. So that should help you understand what is going on in my Bug's brain!

The neuro said the Chiari COULD be causing some of the seizure activity, but he firmly believes she has both Epilepsy AND Chiari. Mainly because all her previous testing was SO conclusive for the electrical signatures for a seizure, and also because the medication she takes is HELPING.

The biggest current concern with Bug's Chiari is that on the MRI they already could see pockets of fluid, which is a symptom of the Chiari preventing the normal cycling of her cerebro-spinal fluid within her brain and spinal cord. This very likely will require a shunt to be placed. For that reason we will be meeting with a FANTASTIC neurosurgeon later this month.

Due to some information I have found that there is a SMALL chance of it being genetic (and even her neuro said that yesterday), and the fact that Peanut's Ophthalmologist wants her to have eye surgery, I am getting Peanut into the Pediatrician next week to talk about having her have an MRI. I want it done ASAP. She exhibits some of the signs of a Chiari, including eye problems. I do NOT want to operate on her eyes only to discover that her problem never was her eyes but was her brain. Fortunately, I think the pediatrician, who already knows I am not comfortable with having Peanut's eye's operated on, will agree with me.

For now though, we are just in status quo mode for the most part. Bug doesn't know anything is wrong with her. I have to watch and call the neuro if certain symptoms present themselves, and make sure she doesn't ride any roller coasters (wasn't gonna happen anyway LOL).

I definitely ask everyone for their prayers to help us get through whatever is put in front of us, and for the doctors treating both my little girls. That God will guide them and give them the wisdom, skill, and knowledge they need to do what is BEST for the girls.


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