B90, Monday Morning Check-in, Day 46

>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A day late and a dollar short.... Well, my POST is anyway.

But my reading, well, I'm on Day 34... The last 2 weeks have just been impossibly hard on me, I have allowed myself to stray from The Word too much. But this Sabbath I was blessed with good health for myself, and all the kids, and was able to attend church. It really helped me refocus.

As I said in last week's check in, my Bug is facing some pretty serious health issues. We saw her neurologist last Tuesday and it's actually worse than I had expected or hoped for. I know many of you are already praying for us, and I beg you to continue. I truly believe in prayer, and I know Bug, our family, and the doctors caring for her need prayers. Since I don't want to FILL my check-in post with Bug's health concerns, I invite anyone who'd like to follow her story to visit her Caring Bridge page, just register and send me a quick note to let me know who you are. Bug's Bridge

As for my reading, I'm not giving up, I'm not planning to end late. I am going to do what I've done before, read multiple days at a time. I'm planning to read at least 2 days worth a day, whenever possible. And I will not skip any days if I can help it. If I have a slow day and can read more I will. I am hoping to be fewer days behind next time I check in :)


Amy@ MomsToolbox February 17, 2010 at 1:44 PM  

Hang in there! I'm glad you are still in His word with us!!!!

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