Thankful Tuesday

>> Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today I am thankful for:
-My Father in Heaven who knows all, has all the power, and provides unending comfort to me in my time of need. I know if I lean on him, he is there for me.
-My incredible daughters, who no matter the circumstances they rise to the occasion! No matter how many doctor's appointments they have to go to, they continue to spread joy to everyone around them with happy smiles on their faces.
-My wonderful Best Friend, she keeps my head above water. She reminds me to "Let go, and Let God handle it" and she is always there with a shoulder, or sometimes that single tissue. :D
-Bug and Peanut's Daddy, for providing for them without question, staying involved despite the distance, and being a good friend to me.
-My church family, for their support, their love, and their prayers.
-The chickies, because they are the chickies! :)
-Quiet time to read God's Word.

I hope you all have a blessed Tuesday. :)


Sonja February 23, 2010 at 2:34 PM  

love you, too, Nique! Your spirit and optimism through all you're going through is an inspiration. ((hugs))

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