It's been a rough week

>> Sunday, February 14, 2010

Okay, so I realized I basically haven't blogged in an entire week. So here's what's going on, short version:

We had the appointment with Bug's neurologist, and she has the Chiari and Syringomyelia and it's BAD, worse than we expected. It will require surgery. That's about ALL I know though until I meet with the neurosurgeon later in the month.

But it's left me absolutely wiped out. I just have been physically and emotionally drained. I feel like I'm finally getting myself back.

I'm behind on EVERYTHING right now. But it's okay. I will catch back up, and when I fall behind again, and I will, it'll be okay then too, because I will catch back up again.

I know everything will be okay, I have God watching over Bug and I and her sister Peanut too. :) We have INCREDIBLE friends who make sure that we are taken care of.

God is GREAT! And I know he is using this and us as a way to show his glory! :) Satan, you are going down!!!!


Mary February 15, 2010 at 4:54 PM  

Praying with you, Nique. Thanks for the update. ~HUGS~

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