My little puddle of water

>> Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let me tell you a story:

Once upon a time (because all good fairy tales start this way...) a little EMT name Nique had a friend who had an Xterra. Her friend loved their Xterra, they called it a little block of caramel because it was squarish and caramel colored. Eventually Nique and her friend came up with silly nicknames for all the colors of Xterra's, like puff of cloud (white), spot of sunshine (yellow), patch of grass (green), campfire pit (orange), blood on the move (red, and sorry, we were EMT's).

One day Nique and her at-that-time husband decided they needed a new car. They wanted an SUV, they were going to buy another brand, S. Nique liked brand S, had a car from them already. But the sales people at S treated her VERY badly when she went to look, she left very upset. She meant to go to the T dealer, but her driver missed the turn and she ended up at the Nissan dealer and Nique said, ooooh, Xterra's. I want to look here. Nique quickly fell in love with a little puddle of water (blue) and just KNEW it was the right car.

Then the dealer started scaring her with numbers. Nique likes numbers, but not these numbers! Somehow Nique knew this payment was too big. Everyone around her tried to reassure her that her and the husband could afford it, they both had good jobs. "But what if something happens and one of us DOESN'T have a job??" Oh that won't happen they reassured her. So in the end they bought the little puddle of water. It would take 6 years to pay off, but it was worth it.

Unfortunately, everyone was WRONG. Barely 2 months later, Nique had no job. She managed to get a new job withing a few weeks, but at MAYBE a quarter of her previous income. Then Nique and her husband joined the ARMY. They had to leave the puddle of water behind. But at least they BOTH had jobs again.

About a year later though Nique was out of a job again. Believe or not the Army let her out... She was PREGNANT, and would soon find out that she was having TWINS! :) Good thing she had the puddle of water! But, with all the added expense would they be able to afford the payments with only one income? They struggled, had to get a few deferrments, missed some payments.

In all, their final payment should have ended up being about a year later than originally intended. But that didn't seem too bad at that point. But Nique just wasn't satisfied by that. So she did some math and figured out what they needed to pay to pay the Xterra off ON TIME. It was A LOT of money, but they worked on it and were doing it. Sometimes they couldn't do it, but the nice thing about paying extra was that the loan company always was saying they didn't owe as much or as soon.

Now Nique and her husband realized they couldn't live together and they separated and divorced. And Nique was sad, she had to let him keep the Xterra because he couldn't get another car because of the loan on the Xterra. But they worked out a deal that she would get the Xterra when it was paid off. This just made her MORE eager to be sure it was paid off on time. He has to pay the bill, but Nique can pay more. (And Nique does).

The Xterra WILL be paid off on April 1st, 2010!!!!! :) :) :)

Nique is doing a HAPPY DANCE though because in LESS THAN TWO MONTHS, her daddy (oh yeah, daddy is line one signer on the loan LOL) will be holding the pink slip to the car!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :) :) :)


jillybee February 4, 2010 at 7:02 PM  

Congrats on the Xterra becoming yours in April!!! I love the Xterra, and would love to have a bright yellow...or as I like to call it, the yellow submarine.


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