B90, Monday Morning Check-in, Day 39

>> Monday, February 8, 2010

Okay, I am on Day 33's reading... Nuff said.

It has been a stressful week of trying to keep calm and do what had to be done. I asked many of you for prayers for both my daughter's health last week, with very little explanation as to WHY. Well, here's the why.

Peanut's I explained, there's some eye problems, and a surgery happy eye doctor that I disagree with.

Bug on the other hand... Bug has epilepsy, she needed an MRI to rule OUT any tumors or malformations in her brain causing any of the seizures. Since we saw such improvement with her medication everyone, including her neurologist, expected the MRI to come back clear. It didn't. She has a Chiari Malformation. This may or may NOT be contributing to the seizures. It's very unclear. It will probably require surgery, and we will be having several appointments in the coming weeks.

Due to this diagnosis and looking up the symptoms of Chiari there was a realization that Peanut has MANY of the symptoms, including her eye problems. So we are getting Peanut into the Pediatrician to ask to have an MRI done on her as well as it is the only was to diagnose a Chiari.

So needless to say, my week has been filled with dealing with phone calls to doctors, the girls dad, my parents, research, work, and somewhere in there trying to relax a little. I have been wound up to the point that I pretty much got sick. Friday night I was in pain.

I am going to just read as much as I can at this point. In many ways this week may be a little slower. Despite all the appointments, I should have more time. I can bring my Bible to appointments, and because of the appointments I have a couple of full days off work that I frequently do NOT have.

Thank you for all the prayers you've already given the girls and I. I truly believe in prayer, and I know with God watching over us that the girls and I will be okay. We have a great support system here at home, and AWESOME friends online too! :)


Anonymous February 8, 2010 at 1:48 PM  


I am a single mom too who had to go through so many doctor appointments when my daughter was little. Remember HE is there. He will help you through and have faith it will work for your child`s good.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads February 8, 2010 at 4:08 PM  

Praying for your family during this time. Speaking from experience, spending time praying and in His Word does help.

May God give you peace and comfort as you deal with these difficult times.

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