Book Review: The Longing, By Beverly Lewis

>> Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Longing: The Courtship of Nellie Mae Fisher, by Beverly Lewis

Challenges: Support your Local Library, 100+ Books, Finish That Series, Summer Reading @ the Library.

What a beautiful ending to a remarkable series. It definitely left me guessing right up to the last couple chapters. When I was less than surprised with the outcome. While I was not surprised, I was still pleased with the story.

The split in the Amish church has SHARPLY divided the people. And many Old Order Amish will barely even speak to the New Order. But an accident on David Yoder's farm leaves him infirm, and calling his estranged son Caleb back home to tend to the farm. Caleb is still stinging from the rejection of his love, Nellie Mae. She broke off their engagement when she decided to follow her family to the New Order church and Caleb could NOT see his way to accept this, much less follow her.

Over time, David Yoder's accident, and his renewed time with his Mennonite cousin John shows him the way to accept Christ in his life the way the New Order church members have. And then he shows Caleb this, and gives him the forgiveness he needs to allow him to quickly and quietly slip away into death.

Caleb is now free to run the farm, and marry whom he chooses, with his now deceased father's blessing, but first he must find his way to accept Christ too, if he will ever find his way back to his real love. Fortunately, his cousin Chris is there to help him with that, and help him get Nellie Mae back.

The Epilogue is written showing Nellie Mae and Caleb married and expecting their first child. And still changes occurring within the churches and their families. But they know they have a beautiful life ahead of them.


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