Boston Day and Dizzy Dizzy

>> Monday, July 27, 2009

Yesterday, after much debate and weather watching, my sister, BFF, and I headed off toward Boston.

Our first, most necessary stop, was Starbucks in Lexington. My sister made the big mistake of saying something about if I would lose my Starbucks addiction I'd lose more weight. Oh no... those are FIGHTING words. BFF defended me immediately, saying that in all fairness, I typically only order an Iced Tea. I'm not a sugary, chocolate-y drinker in general. Yes, I order my tea with 2 raw sugars, but if they put them in the shaker half that sugar doesn't make it into my cup. Anyway, she backed down.

We got our drinks and headed down the street on foot to the Lexington Battle Green. A small yet historically significant patch of grass. This was the site of the FIRST fight between the American Revolutionaries and the British in the Revolutionary War.

It's really hit me lately that SOMEHOW in Boston, all of Massachusetts really, they got it right. Somehow they KNEW when these major historical events occurred, that they would matter, and SOMEHOW knew to preserve these things. We got into a great discussion about how the sense of community, something most city's are lacking, is part of what led to the preservation.

After walking around there we headed down to Boston. We went to the North End and were surprised by the Feast of St. Joseph. This translates to massive traffic! LOL But we survived and found parking. We wandered around a bit, hit Faneuil Hall. It was originally a speaking house, where numerous famous speeches have occurred. It's mostly shopping there now, and my sister found her Boston magnet there.

We headed next door to Quincy Market, which is mostly food to walk through. We stopped for some Bubble Tea and then headed out to the Crocs store, one of my favorite stores!

At this point we just kind of started walking, we ended up down a pier and sat down for some much needed rest. We decided it was time to head home, and we started walking back toward the car, but we stopped by the Paul Revere House. It was already closed for the night though. :(

Then of course to Mike's Pastry for some Florentine Canoli's! YUM. We walked on over toward Old North Church. It also was closed, but BFF had been wanting to show me the Dog Tag memorial to honor those who have fallen in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars we are currently fighting. She had found this over a year, just one month after my other best friend Jessica was killed in action in Iraq. It's not like we've avoided going, but we haven't had the chance. Typically the kids are with us and are getting grumpy and what not. We headed over though and she told me, you're not allowed to cry. LOL She knows how easy I cry. Well, I didn't start crying, but it was touching. Especially because when the wind blows the sounds of the thousands of dog tags jingling next to each other is like a reminder that they may not be with us anymore, but we WILL see them again one day!

Anyway, we headed home then and it was a great day! :)

Unfortunately I woke up this morning dizzy as could be. I almost feel like I'd been drinking, but I KNOW I didn't! UGH. I've been up for about an hour and a half now and I STILL feel dizzy. I've eaten, I've taken my medicine, I've had my coffee, I've had water. I'm STILL dizzy. Even just sitting here, I'm dizzy. *sigh*

We have a LOT of packing to do still. We move next week. We actually can start taking over a few things now, they housing people said they'd leave the garage open for us. But the REAL moving starts next week when they take possession of the house. Monday and Tuesday will be light moving, no trailer, Wednesday thru Friday is when we should have the trailer.

So if I disappear more than usual over the next couple weeks don't be too surprised.


Drea July 28, 2009 at 10:00 AM  

I loved our trip into Boston, could've done without the foot of snow (had to go into the CROCS store to get me a proper pair of shoes for that weather -- I am a So. Ca girl afterall, she's lucky I came with a coat!) and some disturbing phone calls, but BFF made sure we still had a good time together. I too am very happy & surprised at exactly how much has been preserved & or restored there.

As for being dizzy, ya know I thought my older sister was joking but she said she was 100% serious, when she suffers from real bad vertigo spells she was told to put her head down and spin in the opposite direction. She said it doesn't always help but a good majority of the time it does the trick. She said an ER doctor told her that once and she thought he was joking as well till he said he was serious that she needed to put the boggled up marbles back in place. :)

As for the weight loss comment, ya gotta love when people feel the neccessity to tell you where you are gaining the weight when they aren't around you all that much. I've learned to just say "hummm...well I'll give that some thought." and just move on. It's frusterating though.

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