Cake anger

>> Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Okay, so BFF found this absolutely FABULOUS vegan "white" cake recipe. I don't care so much that it's vegan, but we need vegan for church. I love this recipe. It has a nice lift to it. It tastes as good as any non-vegan cake, and is totally safe for her DS3. It's also easy to change the flavor by subbing a different extract. One of my other favorite things about it is that it has a high sugar content. No, I'm not a sugar freak. But it causes a slight caramelization on the crusts that is DELICIOUS!

So we made my 2 layers of cake yesterday for my cake class. One of orange one coconut. YUM YUM

We put them into the freezer during dinner so that they would be safe from kids, food, and bugs. Left them out overnight so they'd be ready to ice today. This morning they were still intact. I put in english muffins for the adults to eat and they were still intact. I went to extract the english muffins and...


Little hands had gotten to it. You have NO IDEA how upset I was. Especially since I'd had to convince BFF to make them for me. I admit to one part laziness one part I think she makes better cakes! But now I'm gonna have to convince her AGAIN to make the layer for me. It was the coconut layer by the way.

So now we have to clean the kitchen, cuz her DH wants to make chicken and dumplings, but he requires a SPOTLESS kitchen for this, make a cake layer, let it cool, fill and ice said cake, and make several roses for the cake. AND I need to go buy new work shoes and go to work at 3. Guess I better get to work since that is only 4 hours away!!!!!


Drea July 28, 2009 at 9:48 AM  

YACK! I think some little fingers would be cut off about now if it were me. I've had plenty of those incidents though - especially this summer. I about KILLED my ds one day. I was making bread, I do it the old fashioned way without the bread machine. I'd left it on the counter to rise and loved how big it had gotten, already imagining the big sliced sandwiches I'd get to make with it. I turned my back for 2 seconds and ~Z came up behind me, poked the bread and CRASH it went. URGH!!!! He's lucky he survived that day, he saw it deflate and had a look of horror on his face saying "I'm sooooo sorry mom".

Another story for you, when my mom and I were doing our cake classes years ago. I'd made the cakes for us after school one Friday. I got the base coat on as instructed. She got home and was so happy she didn't have to do it as usual later that night. She went and laid down for a moment and I went to spend some time in the pool. When she'd gotten up all I heard from the pool was screaming and 3 boys running from the house. My brother & his two friends had eaten BOTH cakes to crumbs!!! So she ended up having to make the cakes afterall that night (and more buttercream frosting too). I wanted to kill them just as much as she did. ~S didn't come home that night, he spent the night at a friends. Hahaha Good thing too cause I was murderous that night. :p

So I guess the moral to my story is it's basically a rite of passage to create a beautiful tasty thing & for others around to destroy it! :)

Nique July 28, 2009 at 10:08 AM  

mmmmm.... old fashioned bread :) BFF gave me the most AWESOME recipe for bread. I was making it all the time before I moved. It's been so crazy here we haven't had time or space to do so much good bread. But I'm hoping with this move into the bigger house we can start doing more. We're planning to set up my kitchenaid in the pantry (it has counter space) so we'll have BOTH KA's!!! :)

I'd have been murderous too! I almost was this morning. BFF has offered to remake the cake while I'm at work, and even put the base layer of icing on for me. Which since I KNOW I am completely capable of icing a cake I'm okay with having her do this. I know I know, I should be icing the cake for my class, but I really have no issues with this. LOL

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