Rough day

>> Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This has to be short, I have to get ready for work in an hour.

-I baked my cakes yesterday, barely any rise, and I followed the recipe.
-I went to make my frosting and we were kinda low on powdered sugar.
-Frosting didn't taste right.
-Got that all fixed, and I'll pick up more sugar tonight for the cake.
-Had to handwash all my "Featherweight" reusable icing bags because they hadn't been done yet.
-Started icing the cake and had to stop because...
-The girls managed to open and spill an entire can of white primer, on their feet, the chair, the faux wood floor...
-Had to CLEAN said paint up (with help)
-Had to send all the girls outside cuz they had paint on their feet. It's raining, they weren't happy.
-cleaned up girls
-made girls lunch
-started working on smoothing the icing, but it was not cooperating.
-BFF reminding me that it's raining, it's humid, so the frosting isn't setting up as well.
-FINALLY got it smooth enough for now.
-will finish the smoothing process after work.

I'm tired, and I have a 5 hour shift ahead of me.

God, grant me strength, endurance, and help me to find my happy attitude to be cheerful with my customers. Amen!


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