Mosquitos, health insurance, and a cranky me.

>> Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Okay, I'm cranky. I FREELY admit it. I am snapping at people, and I think more than anything I need to curl up in bed. But that is not an option.

BFF has physical therapy today and I am home with all the kids. It's wet and rainy outside so they can't go out to play. It was like that yesterday, and will be again for almost a week straight.

The mosquitoes are out in full swing, and apparently I have "sweet blood" so they bite me A TON. And I'm tired of it. My poor ankles are so itchy. I am trying so hard not to scratch, but it's nearly impossible.

I am almost at my 90 days with Job "B" and am supposed to have insurance starting day 91. Well, day 91 is the 24th. I had been told I'd get information in the mail. Well, nothing has arrived. So I talked to my HR person, who said call this number, they'll get it straightened out. I called that number and feel like it did me no good. They took my phone number. They said they'd open a case to look into it, and get back to me in a few days. ARG.

I hate icky weather, just for the record. It makes me feel icky, it gives everyone cabin fever.

On the plus side, I have work today, and while I'm at work my sister is arriving. BFF is picking her up for me. Then I have my cake class, I can't get my cake to smooth, but it'll be okay. After cake class BFF, sister and I will probably go to Friday's for a snack.

Given how this morning has gone, it can only get better!!!!! :)


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