Sick baby

>> Thursday, December 3, 2009

My poor Buggy is sick. She woke up yesterday lethargic and obviously not herself. I worked yesterday morning and BFF said Bug had taken a nap, but that other than being lethargic, she had been okay. Bug started looking more and more tired and wanted to be picked up, so I gave in and picked her up. Within seconds she was asleep on my shoulder. So I laid down on the couch with her. By the time BFF's DH got home and gave her a kiss on the forehead she was BROILING. I hadn't really noticed cuz it'd happened ON me.

He picked her up and I got the thermometer. 102-102.4 were the various measurements I got. Just depended on the side I measured. I was stunned. And a little worried I admit. Bug has epilepsy as you may recall, high fevers are a serious concern because even with the meds this can cause breakthrough seizures. And with a fever she is more likely to have a Grand Mal. I quickly texted BFF who wasn't at home, she had the van with the car seats in it. She needed to know what was going on, in case I needed her to come home. And then I got her some medicine. Her temp came down and we even managed to get her to eat some dinner.

We put her to bed. When it came time for BFF and I to go to sleep we did our nightly rounds, when we checked her and she was BOILING again. BFF got her out of bed and to my room (affectionatly known as the COLDEST room in the house) and I grabbed the tylenol. She was back to 101.4. We dosed her and stripped her to panties for about 15 min and got her down to under 101 pretty quick. So we let her go back to bed.

This morning, she was back to 101.0. *sigh* It's like we cannot win. More tylenol, and a careful watch. But she ate breakfast and her temp has come down and stayed down. So for now she seems okay. She is outside playing right now. We have an absolutely BEAUTIFUL December day. It's about 70 degrees, a bit of wind, but we are taking advantage of this weather!!!! LOL

I will keep you all posted on my baby Bug. :)


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