
>> Sunday, December 27, 2009

We had a beautiful Christmas. It was a pleasure to see the joy on my children's faces as their piles of gifts grew larger. They are BLESSED. (My own biological children and the other 5 I have claimed with my heart :) ).

Bug was priceless, she was less about opening the presents and more excited as she started receiving her packages. The look of SHOCK and joy at getting a PACKAGE was so amazing.

The girls got lots of clothes (always needed and appreciated!! And they are fashionistas anyway so they LOVE it!!) FurReal puppies, Barbie quads, pink Legos, bean bag chairs, Tinkerbell dolls, Girly Little People, personalized coloring books and crayons, TONS of Littlest Pet Shop animals and accessories, several books, and much more. This was the stuff I can REMEMBER!! LOL

BFF and I are already discussing the four girls joint birthday party (since their birthdays are 5 days apart) and that since they LOVE their Littlest Pet Shop stuff SO much that we think their theme will be LPS. :)

Bug and Peanut's Daddy brought them an additional "gift" not really a Christmas gift but sort of, he has given us the Wii. EVERYONE in the house benefits from it though. BFF's DS's have been wanting a Wii so they are super excited about it.

I was very blessed this year as well. I was very disappointed that I was unable to find a gift for BFF, until at the last minute BFF tells me there is something she wants at one store. (she KNEW all the problems behind my "gift failure" this year). So she knew exactly what she was getting from me, but at least I KNEW she wanted it!!! :) In many ways this made me most happy of all. Because I'd had such bad luck trying to get her a gift. Went to order her gift and it was no longer available, went to buy the other part and it wasn't available in the color for HER, etc...

I myself did receive very thoughtful gifts. BFF got me some small notebook/journal type books. I had been wanting them for my purse and bible bag. She helps my girls pick out a great knitting book, some candy and AWESOME pajamas for me. BFF's mom and dad got me a nice work out/yoga set, my sister and her husband got me a dragonfly necklace with earrings and a monetary donation to my school fund :), BFF's DH got me a Saints Jersey personalized with my name! YAY!!! :) and my mom... well, I'm not at liberty to say just yet... I'll be able to spill the beans in a few more days. LOL And post pictures. :P

We enjoyed watching the kids play with all their new toys and games and watch a video, and we enjoyed a DELICIOUS prime rib dinner. We went to bed fairly early after a LONG day.

I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and enjoyed celebrating the birth of Christ with their family and friends. :)


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