sick mom, sick kids

>> Saturday, October 31, 2009

It really really sucks to be sick. It sucks that there's two sick momma's and at least 5 sick kids in this house right now. 2 of the boys and 3 of the girls are sick.

The reasons this sucks big time is that well, for one thing, being sick just blows, but I don't feel like I can momma my babies as well because I don't feel so good.

Peanut is at HIGH risk of having an attack right now. She has only been on the Flovent a week really. I already see some retractions and I heard some bad bubble sounds on one side this morning with the stethoscope. And then later I could hear some wheezing when she was on my lap. She is in good spirits though. So for now I am watching her. I want to avoid the steroids as long as possible, but without getting her too sick.

One of the other reasons this sucks is that Adventurer induction was today. The girls would have worn their adventurer uniforms for the very first time today. I was looking forward to seeing them standing in front of the church being inducted. But we couldn't take them, we couldn't get the entire church sick for our selfish desires. BFF's DS2 was the only child truly healthy enough to go to church so BFF's DH took their DS2 to represent our entire household. *sniff* It is what it is right?


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