>> Thursday, November 5, 2009

Seriously... I am so tired of being sick. I must have gotten hit the hardest in the house. I'm still the sickest. Several people are still coughing, including the little ones. But I have been totally out of it.

I had to call out of work for three days. My boss gave me a hassle about it of course. Then there was confusion if I needed to get a doctors note to come back to work. I wasted two hours yesterday going to a drug store clinic and waiting to be seen only to be told (BEFORE being seen fortunately, and before having to pay anything) that they do not write return to work notes. When I called my boss to tell her this she got huffy and said she didn't need a note for me to come back, just if I was going to be out the rest of the week. Grrrr... that wasn't what the OTHER supervisor told me the night before. And that is what I told her.

So she says give me half an hour to figure it out and I'll call you back.

An hour later she calls me back. I don't need a note.

Only problem is, I ended up so stressed out yesterday that I think I'm now sicker today than I was yesterday. *sigh* I work the evening shift tonight. so please cross your fingers and pray that I do okay tonight.


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