Topsy Turvy...

>> Friday, October 2, 2009

Well... I knew life couldn't ever slow down.

Earlier this week we finally found shoes for poor Bug. She has very wonky feet. Normal width in the toe box, wide through the arch, extremely narrow through the heel, and no fat across the top, which is odd for a toddler. She is a tough fit. After much frustration we found a store in Lexington that specializes in fitting difficult feet. Of most importance, they carry multiple brands. Well, we got her into a pair of sneakers that set me back a good chunk of change.

For their good behavior on this outing, we took all 7 kids across the street to Starbucks for a treat. After her hot cocoa and pumpkin bread, Bug started reacting badly. We gave her some more food and got her moving but it shook me. Later that evening BFF and I discussed it. Several pieces began to fall into place and the big picture started to look a little less pleasant. My little Bug might not be so healthy. So after 2 days of asking for my schedule early at work, BFF took matters into her own hands and just called for an appointment and hoped for the best today.

Well, after hearing our concerns, the pediatrician's office wanted to see Bug TODAY. Unfortunately, the latest appointment they could get us was at 2:40, I got off work at 3. BFF called to tell me and I talked to my on duty manager who was GREAT about it and let me call in my relief early so I could go. I owe them both!!

We got to the pedis and explained everything to the doctor. Without getting into ALL the details... The doctor is a little confused on what it may be, because it is NOT presenting with any classic symptoms of a particular condition. SO... although neither of us feels it is this, she sent her for blood work to rule out a milk allergy because the "incidents" all seem to occur with milk. I agree to ruling it out mainly because the wait for appointments at the allergy clinic is literally 4 months!!!!!

The pedi is sending her to the neurology clinic to test for epilepsy. I actually do NOT believe she has epilepsy. But I will go on with this testing only because it will make it that much easier to get testing for what I believe is really going on. I believe she has some form of diabetes.

Diabetes CAN cause seizures, and since the "incidents" that have been witnessed have been petite mal seizures, IF they are seizures at all, it seems more likely to be NON epileptic. Since the incidents ALWAYS follow food consumption, especially milk, it seems more sugar related, which is more diabetic. Plus, we have the family history, although of type II not, juvenile, and I was gestational diabetic, insulin dependant. AND Bug was low blood sugar at birth... yeah, my connect the dots leads to diabetes, not epilepsy.

So... I tried to make the appointments, only to be told that the pediatrician needed to make the appointment, called the office, left the message and never heard back, I WILL be on the phone first thing Monday morning. *sigh* I want to RULE IT OUT.

We went straight to the clinic for the blood draw, and poor Bug was JUST there yesterday for a blood draw. She got in the room and very matter of factly said "Mommy, my getting poke." She didn't cry yesterday, just got agitated, but today she did cry a bit, but only for a few seconds and when it was all over and she got to pick out her TWO stickers (Cinderella and Tinkerbell) she was all smiles again.

Anyway, I will try to keep everyone updated. The girls have their very first dental appointment on Monday! I will post results!!

***Edited on 12-28-09: This is the day that changed everything for Bug... That day she got sick buying shoes for her, and the subsequent appointments led to a diagnosis that changed her life. Initially I was scared by it. I admit it. But once I came to grips with it, and accepted what needed to be done, she got appropriate treatment and has improved SO MUCH. In many ways we are still adjusting to it, but 2 1/2 months later it's MUCH easier to accept than it was back in October.***


Mary October 3, 2009 at 9:01 PM  

My goodness, I am soo behind. I'm headed to read more now. Praying for you already.

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