A diagnosis

>> Friday, October 9, 2009

Bug had her appointment with the neurologist today. And she was given a diagnosis. She has epilepsy. I am both relieved and stunned.

Relieved that I'm not crazy, I really WAS seeing her have seizures. That my instinct and medical training were correct. And that I really DO know my daughter better than the medical facility she was previously treated at.

Stunned because even though my gut said she was having seizures, I don't think I was really prepared or expecting to be told she has epilepsy.

I had to go to Children's without another adult today, just Bug and I. And while it was kind of nice to have that time with my little Bug, I admit it would have been nice to have had some adult support. BFF told me when I got home she had a hunch that this was the diagnosis I was going to receive, and she hated that I had to go alone.

I will post more tomorrow or Sunday about what we are going to do in the days and weeks to come regarding further testing and treatment. But right now I am SO SO SO tired.


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