Jesus in my body.

>> Saturday, October 10, 2009

So this past week I had my stethoscope out to listen to one of the kids chests who'd been coughing quite a bit lately. The pediatrician had told me Bug in fact DID have a murmur and it was easily heard so I wanted to hear it for myself.

I was listening and then had BFF listen. Bug then wanted to listen to what we were listening to. So I put the ear pieces gently in her ears and made sure the stethoscope was over her heart. Her eyes opened wide and she listened intently. When she was done I asked her if she had heard her heart going "thub thub thub" in her chest. She looked at me and very intently said:

"Jesus in me mommy, Jesus inside me, Jesus in my body, Jesus make noise in me"

It was just about the sweetest thing. I told her yes, Jesus is in your heart. But she insisted that no, Jesus was in her.

I had mostly forgotten about this until we were at the doctor's yesterday and he was listening to her heart and told her that and when he was done she asked him "You hear Jesus in me??" very excitedly. After a quick explanation the doctor couldn't stop laughing and thought it was the sweetest thing in the world.

My daughters are convinced that Jesus bangs his drums when thunder rolls, and that Jesus is the reason their hearts go "thub thub." I think it's sweet :)


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