Sleep Deprived EEG

>> Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yesterday I was WAY too tired to properly blog, or type my own name for that matter!!! LOL

Bug had her "sleep deprived EEG" yesterday. The night before I had to keep her up until after midnight. BFF's DH said it wasn't too bad at first, and then I got home from work and took over, she was pretty good until about 11 pm. Then she turned loopy. But we kept her up until about 12:15 am.

Then BFF's DH woke her at 5am. A HUGE thank you to him for being the one to wake with her and therefore allow me to sleep a couple extra hours!!! :) I got up at 7 and resumed the keeping her awake duties. Around 10:30 we started getting everyone out the door.

The car ride to the facility was pretty rough. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way for BFF and I. I had Bug come in with me just to keep her moving. Shoot, I wanted to fall asleep so I KNEW she wanted to! LOL

We were almost there and the other kids were no longer able to keep her sufficiently awake for me, so I jumped in the back of the van and annoyed her enough to keep her awake. THAT WAS ROUGH.

She was much more alert at the office though, playing in the play area, though arguing with me over where to sit, etc. Oh yeah, loads of fun. LOL

She finally was called back and she was SUCH a good girl. She sat still and stayed awake. Putting the wires on was hard because she had to be so still but stay awake. I promised her 10 "monies" and a trip to starbucks at a later date if she stayed awake. :) She earned it fair and square! LOL

She did everything the tech asked of her. She did NOT ever throw a temper tantrum, or cry or anything that a cranky overly tired usually does. I was SO proud of her!!!

When she was FINALLY told she could sleep she did so with PLEASURE. She only got to sleep for about 10 minutes, but I am sure she enjoyed it completely!!! :) :)

Tomorrow bright and early she and I head out to Boston for her appointment with the neurologist. Hopefully he will have some answers for us about what is going on with her. Or a direction to go.

Thank you for all the prayers up to this point and please continue to pray for my little Bug!!


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