And the fun continues

>> Sunday, October 4, 2009

So we decided to go get lunch, McDonald's. okay, it's not THE healthiest, but the kids were being pretty good overall. And we needed to go get sneakers for Peanut, Duck, and Diva. So we headed to Wally World after the burgers and nuggets. We got the three girls hooked up with sneakers and then BFF found some nice looking shoes for Bug for church. They fit decently, but her heel slipped out of them. I had her walk around in them a bit and asked her if they fit, she said no. I asked her about three times. And every time she said no. I was disappointed as they were VERY cute and inexpensive shoes! However, when we went to put them back she got sort of upset. So I asked if she wanted them. She said yes. So we got them in brown and black! LOL

We got a few more things and then went over to the pharmacy area to pick something up. We happened to be right beside the glucose monitors. We noticed the prices. ONLY $9 for a glucose monitor!!!! OMW!!! I thought they were PRICEY. So BFF and I looked at each other and talk it over and go we can prove the hypo this way. Altogether on the kit, lancets, test strips (only 20, I'll need more), and alcohol wipes, I only spent $25 dollars.

From the time we were looking at the monitors, got in line and got to the car, so MAYBE 10 minutes, Bug went from normal to ready to pass out. So we immediately ripped everything open. Thank goodness both BFF and I were both gestational diabetic and knew exactly what we were doing, and ironically enough, I am pretty sure I ended up buying the same exact brand of monitor I had when I was pregnant. LOL Poor kid ended up getting stuck like FIVE TIMES before she bled enough to get a test. And she was SO not happy with us. But I was SO VERY glad we paid for it all, she was at SEVENTY TWO (72). Which while technically within the range of normal is on the far low end of it, and at one hour post meal it seems TOO low to me.

Her post dinner number was a more respectable 119. I am going to be very interested to see her fasting number in the morning. hmmmm....


Kat October 4, 2009 at 6:50 PM  

You know, I remember the glucose meters being pretty expensive too. My mom has been a diabetic since I was 10. When my GTT was borderline, I requested that I be able to monitor my glucose instead of doing the 3 hour test and they let me. They have me a Rx for the meter but I saw the one they gave me at wal-mart for $15!!

Nique October 4, 2009 at 7:55 PM  

I didn't even realize you could GET them without an Rx. I always remember seeing signs for them being on sale for ONLY $99.99. And today I bought one for $9. Wow how electronics have changed huh? LOL Now if the darn strips would just get a little less expensive...

If we can get the actual diagnosis, her strips will become covered by insurance. Until then though...

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