The rest of the outcome of yesterday's appointment...

>> Saturday, October 10, 2009

I promised I would tell what was recommended and left to come yet, but was too tired, so here goes:

The doctor has recommended medication, but did not prescribe any as of yesterday. He sent me home with medication information packets about the med he wants her to be on and the vitamin he would also put her on with it to counteract some of the side effects to her body. He wants me to think it over, read up on the meds, talk about it with the people in her life, and make a decision and call him back. As I’ve realized in the last 24 hours that it appears she’s actually having multiple seizures a day, I’ll probably end up going with the medication.

She is going to be having a 48 hour ambulatory eeg next weekend. It’ll be like the eeg this past week, except not sleep deprived. LOL She’ll go in Friday afternoon and have the wires attached and all the stuff will be in a little backpack for the monitor. She’ll wear it all weekend long and then will have it removed on Monday morning. They hope to catch an actual seizure during the monitoring. This test will be a little annoying for her as her head will be totally wrapped up and she’ll have to carry the monitor with her everywhere, but, overall, it’s no big deal.

She will be having a sedated MRI, just to be 100% certain that there is nothing physically wrong. The doctor is fairly certain the MRI will come back normal, but it is a precaution to be sure they haven’t missed something. She has to be sedated because she is too young to stay still for an hour. I am not totally happy about that part of it. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that she NEEDS to be sedated. I also know how I react to sedation/general anesthesia. I pray, and ask everyone else to pray that she does NOT react that way. As she will be quite miserable if that is the case. I usually wake up from anesthesia vomiting. I can only hope that she doesn’t.

She is also going to have a hearing test done. Ironically, this doesn’t relate really to the seizures themselves. Well, not totally. Her doctor said that many epilepsy patients do have some hearing issues. He doesn’t believe that the type of seizures Bug is having would really effect her hearing. However, he did note that her speech is just a LITTLE off. Her vocabulary is fine, but her words sound a little off, almost as though her words aren’t quite whole. So since he can use the seizures as a loophole basically, he ordered a hearing test for her.

He said we may consider some more testing later, including some genetic testing. But for now that is it. I now have a slight concern that I may want to consider having her sister Peanut checked just in case. They are fraternal twins, not identical, but I still just wonder.

Of course Peanut, Bug, and BFF's DD Duck all have appointments this week with the Ophthalmologist regarding possible lazy eye. Peanut and Duck are almost definitely going to get the diagnosis. In Peanut’s case, I’ve been TRYING to get a referral for a while, back when we were still down in Kentucky. But I’m here now and we have it. Bug is 99% clear though. It’s a precaution. Her neurologist saw no sign of it and said he doubts they will find it but is glad that she’ll get that nice thorough check anyway.

Peanut still have her appointment later this month with the respiratory specialist to see about how her reactive airway disease is doing and if we are moving her into the realm of asthma or not yet. I will keep you all updated on that later in the month.

I want to thank everyone who's been praying for us, it means a lot to me.


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