So more about my thoughts from earlier...
So last night BFF did some research and we discovered that we think Bug may actually have hypoglycemia including cases of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia. This is an excerpt from a website on hypoglycemia in kids:
The Symptoms of Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) in Children
The symptoms caused by low blood sugar come from two sources and may resemble other medical conditions.
* The first symptoms are caused by the release of epinephrine from the nervous system. these include sweating, pale skin color, shakiness, trembling, rapid heart rate, a feeling of anxiety, nervousness, weakness, hunger, nausea and vomiting.
* Lowering of lowering the brain's glucose causes: headache, changes in vision, lethargy, ,restlessness, inability to concentrate or pay attention, mental confusion, sleepiness, stupor,and personality changes.
It is STUNNING how many of these symptoms fit Bug. She sweats, gets flush and pale, shakes, gets hungry, and yet vomits at the drop of a hat. She falls asleep very suddenly compared to the other 3 girls too. BUT... the one symptom that doesn't fit is that she has what I truly believe are petite mal seizures with many of her vomiting incidents. However, I know from my EMT studies that drops in blood sugar (which is exactly what hypoglycemia is), can in fact cause seizures.
As for the Nocturnal Hypoglycemia. As I read about it, it seems more common in diagnosed insulin dependent diabetics, but she still fits many of the symptoms. Here's a description:
Nocturnal hypoglycemia refers to low blood sugar levels at night in a person with diabetes. Blood sugar levels can drop below a safe range at night if a person eats too little food after taking his or her usual nighttime insulin dose or takes more insulin than prescribed in the evening.
Signs of low blood sugar at night include:
* Restlessness, unusual noises, talking, or nightmares
* Waking up feeling tired or having a headache.
* Having damp clothing and bed linens in the morning (night sweats).
* Having a high blood sugar level in the morning.
(taken from:
Bug has had nightmares and babbled in her sleep from a young age, and is a restless sleeper, she frequently awakens feeling damp and sweaty as though she was exercising in her sleep!! This is a big one for me! She is the most night sweating kid I know, considering she is NOT a HOT person (you know those people who are like space heaters and you just wish you could curl up against?? Bug is NOT that person!!! LOL)
So anyway, now I really wanna push for a glucose tolerance test. The first website says it's really the only way to prove it in a child. I feel it is VERY important to have the diagnosis. If we are right, she will have a medic alert bracelet and we will take the needed precautions to keep her healthy, but it's not the end of the world diagnosis.
BFF and I discussed whether or not to pursue the seizure disorder testing or not, and I want to discuss it with another friend of mine who's child has been through it, but overall I believe my answer will be yes. As BFF worded it, JUST IN CASE there IS an underlying, barely showing itself disorder that's just waiting for it's opportunity, do I want to stop this course of action and possibly miss a chance to keep her safe? No, I don't. I want to KNOW FOR SURE. So I will allow the seizure disorder testing.
It's been a rough week in many ways. I truly feel like my patience has been tested and that Satan is trying to get me. But today was an absolutely blessed Sabbath. I so easily could have shut off the alarm and gone back to sleep, but we didn't, we went to church. And I'm glad.
We arrived and it was raining pretty good, but our pastor was walking out to the parking lot with his umbrella helping people into the church!! I LOVE our new pastor, he is SO great!!! I admit, I missed the entire sermon! But the sense of peace just being IN the church was nice. And Adventurer's started today. This was a blessing. We weren't even sure they were going to DO Adventurer's this year. (Adventurer's is like Scouts for our church). The girls are old enough to be part of the Little Lambs program this year, so I am very excited. BFF volunteered us to be the LL leaders, and to have me help the kids with their marching. LOL Guess my Army time will come in handy.
It was a LONG Sabbath, but a wonderful, blessed Sabbath.