>> Saturday, May 9, 2009

You know that moment, the one when internally you're saying "OH SH*T!" Because you know, just KNOW, that your whole house is about to get sick??? We had that last night.

BFF's DS, Lion, had had red, puffy, goopy eyes all day. As a former medic, and survivor of NUMEROUS cases of pink eye, I felt that it was good to take several precautions, however, I really doubted it WAS pink eye. Primarily because it affected both eyes simultaneously. That's pretty uncommon in my experiences. I thought it was either a cold like BFF has, or just allergies, which several of us are suffering from.

But since we couldn't be certain we took precautions against spreading it, JUST IN CASE... Including canceling our planned outing for the day.

Unfortunately, yesterday evening, BFF's 2nd DS, Monkey, shows up with one nice red, puffy, itchy, goopy eye. And you have never seen 3 adults move so fast. Purell to everyones hands, even the 3 year olds. Pulled ALL the bedding off the DS's beds, pillowcases for adults and DD's. Obsessive Compulsive behavior with the Purell. I know how fast it can spread. And I can't afford to get it. It's hard enough staying healthy with my work schedule.

I did IMMEDIATLY call Job B. I'm scheduled to work this evening from 8-10 pm. Because it's Sabbath I can't go in any earlier, but it's prom night and they were so desperate they said no prob to the short hours I COULD give them. They are a pretty good employer so I wanted to help. But I called to let them know and let my supervisor make the decision. I appreciated her approach. If I don't have it, Purell myself to the 10th degree and come on in. I can wear gloves if I feel it's necessary. But unless I have symptoms, please come in!

We're going to strip and replace ALL the pillow cases today again, as a precaution. And BFF's 3rd DS slept on the couch instead of in the bedroom with his sick brother's. He sleeps better on the couch anyway, so I don't think he minded! LOL

Please pray that the pink eye does NOT spread!!!! :)


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