
>> Friday, May 8, 2009

So, I have been mentioning to my BFF for a few days, possibly weeks, now that my DD's needed their bangs trimmed. Peanut in particular REALLY needed it. Bug's bangs are so wispy and light, but Peanut's are thick. Well, Tuesday when I was in a rush to change and get from Job A to Job B, I look down at Peanut, who is nuzzling me and meowing like a kitty, and realize her bangs have been cut.

No, they'd been BUTCHERED!! Poor BFF, who watches my babies while I work, had already had a rough enough day. I asked Peanut who cut your hair?!? And BFF lost it. HUGS BFF!!! Peanut immediately said "{Duck} did it!" Duck is BFF's DD. Now Duck has done this to her OWN hair twice.

On the good side of this... It is NOT horrifically short like Duck did to her own bangs, and it is a smaller section. I still see it, but it's possible to kinda cover it up til it totally grows out in a few months.

Lesson: find and put away ALL scissors. Not that this will stop our more daring 3 year olds, but it MIGHT slow them down long enough to catch them.


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