Parenting Frustrations

>> Monday, June 20, 2011

I love my kids and I happily bend over backwards for them. It's just that every once in a while, I like to know that my kids have their activity to do, and I can go to MY activity and we are all happy... Perfect world right???


So you would think that a church event would think through to ensure that the parents could have some coverage for their kids so the PARENTS could attend some of the adult seminars.


Well, I shouldn't say nope. You got coverage. If all your kids are over age 6. But if your kids are 5?


So say I am a parent of a set of simply adorable 5 year old twins. And I want to attend a seminar in the morning? The one about healthy KIDS AND FAMILIES.


Adult seminars start at 9:15 am and there's no class for those cute little 5 year olds until 10:30 am. (or any other kids for that matter). Guess I will just sleep in and arrive in time for the kids class. How about the first afternoon seminar? The one designed for couples? That'd be GREAT for the married PARENTS of young kids!


ALL kids classes begin at 3:30 pm and that seminar starts at 2:00 pm. Okay, okay. MAYBE the parents can attend the seminars that are AT 3:30 then... ALL the kids have classes AT 3:30... ooooooooo... I see a LIGHT at the end of this tunnel.

Oh, but wait... Those precious 5 year olds? Their class is only an hour. So someone has to be there to get them at 4:30, and the adult seminar is scheduled to run til 5:00.

Well... so I'll have to miss part of it. And maybe I can convince the 5 year olds to be quiet (give them food?) so I can go back and catch the last 15 minutes.


Adult seminar doesn't really get going til 4:15, and they tell us it's going to run til 5:15. And we go to pick up the 5 year olds and they have been WAITING for us, when we arrive at 4:25.


I guess, it just wasn't meant to be. I hope these novels are good!! :)


Carin June 21, 2011 at 2:49 AM  

Someone REALLY didn't think these things through! Do they have a comment box for you to leave pointers about their HORRIBLE set up!! Wow disaster!

Mary June 21, 2011 at 7:43 AM  

Whoever set up those classes is completely clueless. That's ridiculous. Sorry it didn't work out for you, chickie.

Nique June 21, 2011 at 7:29 PM  

It is ridiculous. It's KILLING me!! Today we actually went to the car after dropping the girls off and read our novels for 30 minutes, THEN we went to the adult seminar and the main speaker STILL hadn't started!! We saw the speaker for about 15 minutes, then went to pick up the girls, who were, again, out of their class!!!! *sigh*

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