B90, Day 50

>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Isaiah 26:19

"But your dead will live;
their bodies will rise.
You who dwell in the dust,
wake up and shout for joy,
Your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead."

Not SOAP-ing this, just freewriting.

This verse, Isaiah 26:19, just really struck me. It doesn't speak of God's dead being with him already in Heaven when he devastates the Earth. it speaks of them being dead. And coming to life, waking up, from the dirt. Especially the last line: the earth will give birth to her dead.

It is just more evidence to me that the adventist belief that when we die we do not ascend directly to Heaven is true. We simply are taking the longest sleep, awaiting God to tell us to wake up and come to Heaven!


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