B90, Monday Morning Check-in, Day 60

>> Monday, March 1, 2010

Okay, I am ridiculously far behind, so far behind I am embarrassed to post it. I am on Day 39. OUCH. I am working on it though. I haven't been doing as well catching up as I'd like though. I need to make it a bigger priority. Still though, I am NOT giving up, no matter what. I WILL finish reading the Bible. And I am praying that I will finish ON TIME.

I have posted before about my daughter, Bug, and her ongoing health concerns, and asked you to keep her in your prayers. Once again, I ask you all to please pray for her. She has a surgery date set. March 17th. Please keep her and her doctors in mind when you pray. Thank you!

I DO find the reading encouraging and uplifting, it sheds a bright light on my life, so I am trying hard to get my reading in.


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