2010 Earth Hour

>> Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ever heard of Earth Hour? It's an globally participated in event where for one hour at 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM LOCAL TIME you turn off ALL your lights, every single one. It's to raise awareness for the environment, energy conservation and more. Please check it out at earthhour.org.

Right now we are participating in Earth Hour here at our house. We have every single light in the house shut off and we are watching a movie with all the kids in the living room where we also have a couple of candles lit for the "just in case" situations. We will leave all the lights off until 9:30.

We participated last year too. It's a great thing to do, it is only ONE hour of time. And really, how AWESOME is it to sit in the dark!!!! :)

Happy Earth Hour!!


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