Rudeness disguised as helpfullness

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

Now, I am NOT normally one to "borrow" a blog from someone, but BFF wrote this so well, I asked if I could just borrow it. I have changed certain identifying info in it, and BFF has asked to remain anonymous. But here is her blog from Friday...

Today (DD2) was running a slight fever but didn't seem to be really sick so we went ahead and went out and about. Well bad mommy award. While driving she got sick. We happened to be about 1/2 block from a Wal-mart. Right place right time. So we pulled in and took her inside to get some clean clothes, wipes and get cleaned up. While we were rapidly walking around the CHILDREN's area with her in the cart discussing getting a blanket for her car seat or getting a new car seat (we sorta want an extra car seat for DH's car anyway), this woman says "you do know she's thrown up?" To which I replied, "Yeah we are getting things to get her cleaned up and taken care of" The lady rather rudely says, "looks to me like you are just shopping" Now mind you this whole time I am checking on (DD2) and quietly talking to her and making sure she's ok. Some people just don't know when to mind their own business. Goodness. (DD2) ended up getting sick 2 more times today. yeah I think it's official she don't feel so hot.

BFF summed it up pretty well, this lady was RUDE. You know what as covered in puke as BFF's DD was, you would think it'd be pretty tough to miss. That and the fact that we were discussing the cost of a car seat because "her's is SO bad, can we really put her back in it, even with a blanket??" And "we need a cup for her so she can drink some ginger ale to settle her stomach." Not to mention, Puke SMELLS. And DD was COVERED in it, believe me, there was NO mistaking it. This woman made me seething mad. But I held my tongue and just finished my shopping.


Anonymous June 30, 2009 at 10:59 AM  

I would've said something along the lines of "Oh no! Well, would you look at that! You wouldn't happen to have some baby wipes, a change of clothes or a few minutes to clean my car out, would you? OH, well in that case, we'll just continue to carry on with our own business, much like you should. Have a beautiful day!"

Nique June 30, 2009 at 1:05 PM  

I SO wish I could have thought of something like that when it happened!!!!! LOL

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