I have nothing witty to say today

>> Monday, June 1, 2009

Yup, just a boring ho hum day for me. I woke up, I drank coffee, had some granola in yogurt. Homemade granola is YUMMY, thanks BFF!

Got ready for work and away I went. Worked a 6 hour shift, it was steady busy, no real characters to report, and came home.

I got nauseous on the way home, for no apparent reason. I ate on my break, an egg, spinach, feta, mushroom in a shell thingy at Starbucks. So there was no real goo reason for being so nauseous. But I was. I got changed outta my work clothes, and flopped down on the couch practically in tears. BFF had her DH make me a sandwich so I wouldn't get sick. And it helped.

Now I'm smelling a delicious dinner cooking. So like I said, nothing interesting! LOL


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