B90, Day 63: Prophesy

>> Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I don't believe I can pick a verse or even a single passage today. There is so many amazing prophesies of the future. Especially knowing what is now history, but at the time was the future. It's just so amazing. I absolutely LOVE Daniel!!!

I am reporting now that I will be ending my "Bible in 90 Days" reading with today's reading. Yes, I am not finishing. The next session begins in less than one month, and I feel like I would need to cram too hard to get it all in. I think I would just end up frying my brain and NOT be in the right place, mind, heart, or soul, for the next session if I try to finish.

I have learned so much just from reading THIS far though, I am excited to start again and will be working harder to make it a priority this time.


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