B90, Day 46: Discipline

>> Saturday, April 3, 2010

Message I wrote on March 11, 2009, after Bug's surgery date was changed AGAIN:

Oh Heavenly Father, you have quite a sense of humor don't you? I told you I hate waiting, so now I don't have to wait... Monday God??? Barely 4 days to prepare? Her dad gets no notice to get up here. You really do have a sense of humor!! Less time to wait and worry, right? Thank you, I think! Now to find her some slippers and be ready, I put it all in your hands God.

Message I wrote today:

I haven't read ANY of my B90 since March 9th, close to one full month. I know to many people this would appear to be a failure. I considered it an essential, though extremely unintended, break. With everything happening with Bug, I was just too busy to give it the attention it deserved, to absorb it the way I should. This is not to say I was without God's word! I just wasn't doing B90.

Now that the worst of the storm has past and my life feels mostly back to normal, I am going to try to finish this round of B90, before going on and doing the July round of B90 through Mom's Toolbox again. I think next time though I will actually but the B90 Bible. As much as I thought it an unnecessary added expense, I do find myself sometimes distracted by the added markings in MY Bible.

But I ramble!! I thank God for keeping this goal in my heart and on my mind. And with His help I know I will finish in due time!!

Day 46:
Scripture: Proverbs 12:1

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Observation: It is only through discipline that you can gain knowledge, so if you are undisciplined, and do not like being corrected, you will not gain knowledge and thus will be "stupid."

Application: It takes true character to realize that accepting correction is actually a personal strength and that by doing so, you will gain knowledge.

Those people who do not have the strength of character and discipline to accept correction, will never understand knowledge, therefore, they could never LOVE knowledge.

I truly love this proverb. It reminds me of my time in the Army, and how through correction and learning the art of discipline I became a better person, period. Not just a better soldier, but a better person. For God, for my future children, for my friends, for myself.

I find it somewhat ironic that it is in TODAY'S reading that I would find this verse. That today when I recommit myself to being disciplined enough to finish the reading I started to gain knowledge from the Bible, that I find THIS verse!

Prayer:Father in Heaven, Thank you so very much for showing me how to love discipline and knowledge, and how to see that the two go together. It is an amazing relationship between them. One that I believe has enable me to become closer to you. I hope I can pass on this very important lesson you gave me to my daughters.


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