Moving adventures: Part 1

>> Friday, August 7, 2009

Oh me oh my... Moving is an ADVENTURE. Especially with 7 children involved!!! :)

Let's start with the lead up.

We found out about 3 weeks ago that this house had become available and was being offered to us. But as we didn't know at that time where the next 6 months would lead us, this made this a very difficult decision to make. Largely because of the very real possibility that we could be moving again as early as January. But in the end the toilets won out. (at least that was my vote!) 1 toilet for 10 people versus 4 toilets for 10 people, by MY calculations, this presents a MUCH better likelihood that a commode will be available for my use at MY convenience, not at the CHILDREN'S! So we opted to move and notified them we would and would like to take possession on 3 August.

Last week, after the reservations for the trailer have been made, the phone and cable services have been set to be canceled at the "old" house and set up at the "new" house and we are well into packing, we get news that BFF's DH's job here WILL be ending at the end of the year. So from our perspective, we now KNOW we will be moving again in January, maybe February. We discuss and debating changing our mind and staying in the smaller house rather than moving twice. But we all felt we needed more space (and toilets) so we decided to move but basically to not unpack things we felt we could do without for the next 5 months.


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