Moving Adventures: Part 3

>> Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday morning I had to work from 9 until 2. And since by now the trailer was attached to the van, there was NO WAY IN HADES I was driving it to work. I'm 100% capable of driving it, and parking it, and FINALLY of backing it. But man oh man I did NOT wanna deal with it at the work parking lot! LOL So instead I got up extra early and drove BFF's DH to his work in his car (well, he drove but you know what I mean) and then drove to my own work. I got there plenty early enough to go and have a Starbucks breakfast and get my day off to a good start.

Work went pretty well. Nothing too out of the ordinary fortunately. I was at the service desk again. I got through my shift and headed out with a good luck and let us know if you need anything.

I drove to the "new" house where we relaxed briefly and then loaded up the kids in the van and drove to her DH's work with the trailer. Most of MY belongings have been in storage at his work since I arrived up here in March.

He had a nice piece of eye candy there who wanted something to do and was happy to take off his cami shirt and help load my furniture and boxes onto the trailer while I watched. :) And BOY OH BOY did I enjoy watching. (yes, I'm being bad.)

We then drove back to the "new" house, unloaded, and called it a day. LOL Yes, we were lazy bums.


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