B90 Week Thirteen Check-in

>> Monday, September 27, 2010

Lucky 13. I know A LOT of people say 13 is an unlucky number. But for me, 13 has always been good. And I'm PRAYING HARD that this week is lucky for me. Because I am BEHIND. And not just a little.

But, I'm not going to worry, I'm just going to read, read read.

If you check my blog you're probably REALLY worried about how far behind I am. Please don't believe it!!!! I am not quite THAT far behind. I am just choosing to not put up my blogs at this time, so I can spend MORE time reading than blogging. I have put up the weekly updates only, obviously.

Anyway... I would LOVE to finish by Thursday, the 88 day mark, where I would finish if I took NO grace days, but I REALLY doubt that will happen.

Saturday is the official 90th day, and I have hope I can finish by then. But I'll still be happy if I can just finish up by Monday!! :D

Please pray for me, I have a LOT of reading to do!!


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