Happy September!!

>> Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wow, hard to believe it's September already!!!

Sorry about the unexpected break in my blog. I had to take a break though. I was getting so busy and I just did not have the time to devote to it.

We are fully moved into the "new" house, well, let me rephrase that, all of our belongings are here. LOL We still have SO MUCH unpacking to do. But it's a start. We try to get to a couple boxes everyday. We finally got my curtains up last night :) I didn't need them, but they were nice to put up and add some color to my room.

I've been working hard, but it's same old same old. Interesting customers, stupid returns, and lottery tickets.

BFF's brother is visiting, and we've been having a lot of fun. Yesterday we headed towards the cape. We had a picnic lunch at the Forefather's monument in Plymouth, and I got a couple T-shirts for myself and a mutual friend of mine and BFF's. I text teased her that I bought her pink, she does NOT wear pink! LOL

We visited Plymouth Rock and then headed out. We headed down the coastline toward the cape. BFF's Bro wanted to see the beach really badly so we found our way to the beach. The girls hadn't really been the a true beach before and were a little afraid of the waves at first. But they got used to them pretty quickly. Peanut especially was running in and outta the waves so much!!!! The kids were all smiles and giggles. It was so much fun to watch. We DID take pix but they are not all uploaded. My facebook friends, there's 2 or 3 pix from my phone on there under mobile uploads.

Today we have some "business" to attend to. We are running to Burlington Coat Factory to put some winter coats on layaway for the girls. $100 for 4 winter coats AND snow bibs, can't fight that! And then to another store to put some Christmas gifts on layaway. hehe. We gotta get me some more work socks, and do some short grocery shopping.

I started a water delivery here to the house last week as the tap water didn't taste as good to me here and I felt this would be a good way to start rebuilding my credit. Well, we started noticing that our "cooler" wasn't giving cold water, at all. In fact, it was warm, no, very warm. Like, you'd better add ice to get it remotely cool warm. BFF and I finally used our espresso thermometer to measure the temp yesterday. The "cold" side was coming out at NINETY degrees!!!!! I called the company this morning and was EXTREMELY impressed with their customer service. I work in customer service, and I know that most customers walk in expecting a fight. I try NOT to be that person. I explained what was happening to the gal, and also about the constant drip coming from the spout. She said the water SHOULD be coming out as cold as if it were in the refrigerator! So tomorrow they are sending out a new cooler. And because of the constant drip they are sending an extra bottle of water at no charge (so wasn't expecting THAT!! :) ). And she could hear the girls in the background and asked if I'd like the cold water spout childproofed so they couldn't play with it so easily, for free!!!! WOW... Now THAT is GREAT customer service!!!

In other things. I started my second cake class last week. The nice thing about THIS class is we only make ONE cake, for the very last class. YAY! The rest of the class is making these flowers that we save for the last cake, joy.

Well, I think that about brings you up to date for now. I will try to get back to a daily posting of my life!! :)



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