What I am doing now and in 2011

>> Friday, December 10, 2010

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. My bad. I've been pretty busy. I know. So here's the quick rundown.

-busy with work
-busy with the kids
-State Representative (board position) with twin club
-Counselor with the Pathfinders at church (10-15 year old youth group)
-Thirty-One Independent Consultant

That is the "going on right now" on top of the holidays and feverishly crocheting for gifts and just because I love to this time of year.

Next year, in addition to the above items, because NONE of them are going away...

-Deaconess at church
-tackling Master Guide in Pathfinders (the kids all have different levels they earn, similar to moving from one level to another in scouts, except in Pathfinders you truly EARN your way from one to the next, and adults can earn Master Guide, and from what I am reading, it is NO SMALL UNDERTAKING!!!)
-moving sometime between April and August, hopefully not far, but still, it's a HUGE disruption
-hoping to attend the Thirty-One convention in July, if I can afford it
-At some point I may need to make a trip south, but that is still up in the air, timing and money play a big role in that.

So as you can see, I will be one BUSY BUSY beaver. But happy. :)


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