Not so patiently waiting....

>> Friday, December 10, 2010

I am VERY not patiently waiting for my blogger friends out there in bloggy land to post NEXT years reading challenges... Sad thing being, I know exactly which challenges I'm willing to do, and praying they repost them. I have such a full plate for next year, I cannot take on new challenges in this arena. I'm cutting down to very specific challenges.

*100+ books (divided by 2, meaning, my actual goal is only 50+ books for the year, and if I manage to do more, well that is simply FABULOUS)

*Support your Local Library (at least half my books read are from the library, plain and simple, I want a 50% ratio minimum, not too hard, currently well over half are from the library, and a good number more are already on the shelves at home!)

*First in a Series (6 books that are the first book in a series)

*Second (6 books that are either the second book in a series or you are reading for the second time, or are a second book by the same author, I think that was the rules on that one LOL)

*Finish that series (6 completed series. You have to read ALL the books in 6 different series for this one to count. But I LOVE series books. :) )

That should do it. If they don't post these challenges, I'll just do them on my own, because they are how I want to challenge myself in terms of reading.


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