Pathfinders, Honors, Geocaching... OH MY

>> Sunday, September 18, 2011

Well, it is that time of the year again!! Pathfinders!!!! :D We are doing the classwork at home and the boys have amassed a HEFTY list of honors THEY want to do, in addition to the ones they HAVE to do! LOL And in addition to the honors they will earn at Pathfinders Club. Wow.

This past week we finished up the Nutrition Honor. Today C and I did the Geocaching Honor. I already have it, but he didn't yet and him and L wanna do the advanced honor so first I had to get him the basic honor. We had to go find some geocaches though. He had found some back in Massachusetts, but I wanted him to do some today just to cover the bases. We attempted 4, found 2. :D I SO LOVE Geocaching!!!

I ordered the foreign coins for the Currency (Coins) Honor. So when they arrive we can get started.

This week we are supposed to be doing the Heart & Circulation Honor and the Cultural Diversity Honor. We will see what we get done.


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